(not really, it's just an easier way to see the layout of this website)
- Home • トップ
- About
- UST: USTs I've made (UTAU Sequence Text files, to enable people further in their own UTAUing habits)
- Reclist • 録音リスト: Where you can find my customized list of phonemes made for Hiraku's latest voicebanks.
- Hiraku Yumeta • 夢田啓久
- UST: USTs I've made (UTAU Sequence Text files, to enable people further in their own UTAUing habits)
- Voicebanks • 音声ライブラリ: Download Hiraku's voicebanks here!
- Terms of Use • 利用条件: Please look through this if you want to use Hiraku in your projects!
- Portfolio
- Support Me!: I may or may not be offering illustration commissions, among other neat things!
- Blog • Journal: This is my blog, where I try to post what I'm doing (or thinking about) on a semi-regular basis. Key-word: "try".